Gibson's Grotto

Saturday, August 19, 2006

THIS is an interesting article that suggests (through "detailed studies" no less) that "organized" religion and antisocial behavior go hand in hand like priests and little boys.

Interesting to read, all be in a bit one sided, but interesting none the less. My only problem with the site (from what appears to be an athestistic group) is that they capitolize "god", in the proper grammar...especially if you want to acknowledge the traditional Judeo-Christian theology.

Sort of ironic, no?

Meanwhile, in THIS story a group of lesbians stab and beat the snot out of some moron who decided he was a little miffed that one of their party refused his "advances". Now, while I applaud them for taking care of business I have a concern; At one point because the man spit, hit and insulted one of their group...the "girls" decide that it was a "...hate crime". But beating this straight, heterosexual man wasn't? He can technically claim the same thing, though he'd be guilty of inciting the whole thing in the first place because they made it a point to bring it up. Let's see who has the most in their collective legal fund.



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