Gibson's Grotto

Thursday, November 18, 2004

latest and greatest

I finally beat THIEF III and it was indeed worth it. I'm actually considering reinstalling version 1 and playing it for a bit. It's been so long it'll feel like a new game all over again. Not to mention the system I'm running it on this time will be better ;)

Still haven't come up with squat for a site. Maybe I'll just work on enhancing this blog and making it the primary site and connecting it to other content. It's a thought any way.

A marine is being tried in the court of public opinion for shooting a "...wounded and unarmed insurgent..." Now, being someone who was there in '90 I can tell you the that only difference between an "insurgent" and a "terrorist" is the level of funding. Also, and this is MY opinion after having been there, a civilian is only a civilian until they pick up arms and point them at me...then they're the enemy. That's what the news and "imbeded journalists" there don't get and apparently never will get. Given what happened to that Marine in the days just before that incident, I'm surprised he showed the restraint he did. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I'm glad I served when I did. A politically correct war...who'd have thought it. Alexander the Great must be rolling over in his grave.

Finally saw The Incredibles. Man was that a fun ride! Since I mess with CGI as a hobby, seeing movies like this is hard for me. On the one had, I try to enjoy the movie for the movie's sake. On the other, I'm mentally taking apart what's going on to try to learn more. Quite the quagmire.


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