Gibson's Grotto

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Some people have nothing better to do...

...Some coward decided to actually make a comment on my last post and didn't even have the mental fortitude to address the issue (or identify themselves for that matter!). Nope, they had to pick on spelling...SPELLING of all things! It's pathetic that this little observation is all they had to offer.
Even better, I had some pictures on my site that I NOTED CLEARLY were NOT mine (if people took the time to actually READ), but some small people who have to appear big online and flex their "cyber muscles" had to play "property police". I never claimed credit for it. In fact, I even said they were "...examples of people with far more skill than I have..." Nope. Not good enough apparently.
These are the same people who would witness a crime...a real crime-Not some PETA retard or some liberal wacko who tries to save whales while letting innocents suffer...and do NOTHING about it, but will then log on and make believe they have something to contribute to society besides their constant whining. The same people who won't pick up a gun to save their own lives or someone else's, but will complain about how corrupt the police are and how they should do their jobs.
These people are social and mental run off. They're a waste and they help solidify my opinions about government sponsored euthanasia. They're the "biggest disappointment since the crucifixion..." (to quote Foamy).


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