Gibson's Grotto

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Easter Gluttons...

Well well, here we are again. That fanciful time of year when we "celebrate" (?) the time when (according to myth), Jesus- the christ of Nazereth- rose from the grave 3 days after his crucifixtion and saw his shadow and we got two thousand years of guilt! :) ( I LOVE THAT JOKE!) Or, if you follow another school of thought, then Easter is a day when we recognize and observe a "christian" holiday in place of a pagan one. Which ever way you prefer, it usually involves dressing up soley to impress others, and gluttony that we only ever witness on days like Thanksgiving.
How dressing up, eggs and a rabbit coincide with an ancient prophet's execution and alleged resurection is beyond many...but far be it from some to ask. That might be "improper" (or worse...might make you think for yourself)
Either way, have fun. Next year, how about we praise Shrek and eat deep fried twinkies in honor of the letter "P". Same nonsensical reasoning as far as I'm concerned.

On a lighter side, I finally got around to putting a web page together. For better or worse, it's up now. Now let's see who says what.

Have fun kids! Don't forget to stew those pet rabbits up on Monday! :D


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