Gibson's Grotto

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

"Dirty" Cheerleaders??

What's the world coming too when cheerleaders can't be dirty?
OK, so I'm being sarcastic, but seriously...doesn't legistlature have better things to do? People say they want less intrusive government, but then they bring their local reps crap like this to argue about in their government offices. I say if you want smaller government, stop complaining to them and fix your problems yourselves.
And we won't even get started on the term "ladylike" being used to describe the actions of's just too easy.
"AUSTIN, Texas — After an alternately comic and fiery debate — punctuated by several lawmakers waving pompons — the state House on Tuesday approved a bill to restrict "overtly sexually suggestive" cheerleading to more ladylike performances."


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