Gibson's Grotto

Friday, March 24, 2006


Hey kids. hope all is well with you all. Looks like the dems and libs have their collective panties in a bunch because the CnC actually said that bringing the troops home would have to fall on the next president. Duh. This operation NEVER had a time table they could live with on it, so why are they so surprised that it won't end right away? Not to mention the fact that they've tied the soldiers hands and delayed so much that we got a late start anyway? Morons.
In other news, King Kong comes out on DVD next week. I still can't believe it beat Narnia in the oscar awards (but then again, I still can't believe they allowed Broke butt Mountain in the list at all...but who knows). I'm looking forward to seeing it, since apparently they remade the ORIGINAL and not the remake of the 70's. Should be entertaining if nothing else.
And finally, I got rid of the 250 and picked up my "new" bike. Kawasaki Vulcan VN750. Perfect bike. Size, speed, power, look. I love it. Not sure if it will be my final bike, but it will hold me for a loooong time :)

TTYL kids, I'm goin ridin


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