Gibson's Grotto

Friday, February 24, 2006

don't cheer for yahoo just yet...

...recently, Yahoo (the bastian of civilized online culture that it is) banned the use of allah in usernames and emails. This was done to prevent "hate speech" (I guess my attempt to sign up as allah-takes-it-in-@ss is shot huh?) and NATURALLY the usual maggots are crying foul. The local members of the 'religion of peace' are saying that it's an attack on muslims and it's discriminatory in nature. Hey, if they want to create an email addy called "JewsLie" then go for it, but don't get pissed because the infadels are more creative than they are.
Sadly (or thankfully?) Yahoo has reversed it's position, another clear sign of how you can scream allah in a burning theater but you can't have the ten commandments in a court house. Isn't life grand?



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