Gibson's Grotto

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Seacrest eats it...

well, in THIS story (off FARK recently...I love those guys) a Jersey shock jock asks Seacrest straight up "are you gay?" which sends him off in a hissy fit and walking off the show.
Need we say more? You betcha!
Is it me or does this pole smoker look like Spicky Martin's younger long lost sister?
I just want to know what all the hype is over this butt pirate. He's got gig after gig landing in his lap and I haven't seen a lick (no pun intended...ok pun INTENDED) of genuine talent other than being on the mother of all suck ass reality shows. He sort of reminds me of Lindsey Lohan but only she ADMITS to being a cock biter.
so just remember, you purple triangle toting tele tubbie rejects, the next time you just HAVE to tune in and watch this closet queen you're helping to pay (and justifying) his/her/its salary ;)
am I homophobic? Hell no, I just hate the idea that if he is, he isn't "straight" enough to admit it because it might affect his paychecks. these kinds of guys are the best, the only one that DOESN'T know he's him.


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