Looks like the immigration issue is the hot topic de jour these days. There's even one school here in Colorado that won't let kids wear or display any "American flag and/or propiganda" in fear that it might come across as "insensitive" to the "plight of our "undocumented aliens".
Let's get something straight right now; if you did NOT go through the LEGAL process of entering in and/or becoming a citizen of THIS COUNTRY...then you BROKE the LAW and you are (ergo) ILLEGAL!!! Saying "oh, when you call us illegals it makes us sound like criminals" IS TRUE! You ARE a criminal IF that's how you got here. I don't care where you're from!
And before any of you start sending me hate mail about how I must be a bigot: I'm hispanic. No, not "latino" (if you remember from my other rants I don't call myself latino because I KNOW who my father was!). I don't care if you're from Mexico, Brazil or any of the other underlying countries...unless you went through the LEGAL process YOU ARE AN ILLEGAL and YOU ARE A CRIMINAL. My only complaint is that all we're doing is sending you back so you can try again. I say when you get home you should be jailed, not helped to try again.
And while we're at it, let's not forget that some of the people coming here ILLEGALLY are themselves CRIMINALS in their own country and are simply coming here for MORE "opportunity".
So let's stop all the politically correct symantic crap surrounding this issue. It's hot and it's "now" and everyone's talking about it. Let's just make sure we're calling a spade a spade and get back on topic!
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