Gibson's Grotto

Friday, March 11, 2005

Politicall correctness kills...

...let me explain. Today in Atlanta a man in a court room shot and killed a number of people, including the preceding judge. He was there after a mistrial over a rape and forced sodemy case last week. He was able to get a firearm from one of the deputies in the courtroom and do his nastyness.
So what does that have to do with PC? Well, it's been the opinions of many courts to NOT have the defendant show up in irons because it "portrays the impression of guilt". Once again, it's not a matter of fact, simply that it "implys" such. Becuase he was not in irons, as he should have been, he was able to do what he did.
Now, if he had be processed the way he was supposed to, he would have never had the opportunity to do what he did (and NO, I won't say "allegedly" did because that phrase they sputter on the news is only to cover their own collective asses against a lawsuit. He's guilty, now all he has to do is be caught!).
Next time someone's short and you decide to call them "vertically challenged" (like that will make them taller somehow!) remember today.



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