Gibson's Grotto

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ah, the news... ABC news reports on a story this morning that a club in Austin, TX burned to the ground. Meanwhile, some police officers were texting each other (in their patrol cars) with comments like "burn baby burn" and "I have some extra gasoline if they need it". This particular club had over 100 calls to the police concerning it over the past year with everything from public drunkeness to gunfire. So ABC news reported the "horror" over the officers comments.
Ah, good 'ol "impartial" ABC news. They actually had the nerve to say the club was "partial to African Americans" during the broadcast, immediately playing on the race card. How about playing the frustration card the cops felt for having to tolerate this place for so long? If you see a crack shack or meth lab burn down, you wouldn't hear anyone giving you crap for saying "good! I'm glad it's gone" would you? But no, cops aren't people so they're not allowed to feel these things. My question is WTF were by standers doing that close the damn patrol cars? Eyeballing them for firearms? The retards at ABC news never cease to amaze me.
On a much lighter note, Dan Rather is on his way to pasture. My thought? SO WHAT? It's CBS, which no one watches (on purpose) any more anyway. It's like saying "look, that guy who worked at that run down store that no one shops from just died. What was his name again?". I say it's long past due, and the only good thing about it is that maybe it sent a wake up call to the other "impartial" reporters. Those teleprompter reading, talking heads that think they are better than us because they get to read the news to us. I can get the same thing at the library during "Winnie the Pooh" hour...but at least that information will be checked on first before being read to us. :)



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