Gibson's Grotto

Monday, May 16, 2005

f*cking PETA demons...

I ran across a story on FOX about PETA slinking their cult like ways in to your kids classrooms. Yup, kids even in kindergarden are being targeted by the PETA cult with web sites like THIS that actually tell your kid that they should protest and get on the letter writing campaign and comparing their own lives to those of chickens!
It's disgusting, these PETA cult fuckwads and their I want you to do something for me kids...
Find PETA in any way you can; online, bumper stickers, tshirts, friends and family....and destroy it. Utterly and completely. If it's online; hack it. If it's a bumper sticker; key it (or replace it with some MEAT related sticker...see how long they take to notice it). If it's a tshirt; rip it from the very body of the cult victim wearing it with a rusty knife. And if it's friends and family who are in to this them from themselves and pummel them with chicken nuggets until they either die or wake up.
Fucking PETA scum...I have to find the local protest going on so I can run them over and save us all from their madness.
Sorry, I get worked up over them because if they find themselves so "evolved" that animals and the PETA members are one in the same then fine, but when they try to pass their cult philosophy on others including children...children for god's sake!...then they're scum and should be treated as such.
Now I know some of you libs are sitting there screaming "hate site! hate site!"
well you're right.
I hate PETA and you know what? I'm allowed to hate PETA and everything they stand for, just like they're allowed to peddle hate to kids over fucking chickens...they should all be castrated and neutered to avoid more of them in the future, or we should deep fry their hippy offsprings now and save ourselves the trouble.



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