Gibson's Grotto

Thursday, May 05, 2005

signs of the end...from yesterdays past...

...I had a required class today concerning "Sexual Harassment". This topic has always cracked me up and the joke no one has ever been able to answer concerning it is this: "So, it's sexual harassment if they DON'T like it, but if you never do it, how would you know? And can they, in turn, feel left out or "discriminated" against because you WON'T tell dirty jokes around them?"
On a more serious note, this topic pisses me off. Sit a bunch of grown adults in a room (or worse...children) and tell them essentially that men are naughty and need to be reminded of that now and then by scaring the hell out of them, having them fired, and basically fucking with their lives...all because you pee sitting down and are easily offended.
What if I was "offended" by the training video about the whole topic? What if I felt myself "threatened" or "menaced" simply because all some chick has to do is ACCUSE me of it with no proof, but you'll fire me anyway for fear of litigation??
Never thought of that did ya?
Maybe THIS is where political correctness was born. Out of the oozing maws of some man hating NAG who decided that unsubstantiated is enough, when lawyers are involved. The video actually said it's "...anything that any reasonable person may find offensive..." Are they shitting me? How discriminatory is THAT comment!? So if I'm NOT offended, then I'm not a reasonable, mature person.
If I ever get tagged with a line like that at work, I'm tieing someone up and dropping them off at the nearest sex offender clinic...then maybe they'll learn what to be honestly offended about.
Sexual harassment is a waste of time, effort and resources...and considering how they're perverted the term sexual assault (pun INTENDED) that should go too. No, don't rename it to make us happy, just stop using it. If I bump in to someone the wrong way it's sexual ASSAULT...not it isn't! It's called an accident you liberal cock munchers! Quit giving people more reasons to hate their fellow man (yes, I said man...not "person"...fuck you if you can't handle your own sexual identity in the real world!)
And finally let's end with the "LIBERAL MANIFESTO" (don't know if that's what it's originally called, but I like it so I'll stick with it)

I have a lot of trouble keeping a job...
I can't add, spell, or speak very well...
And I have issues with pressure, criticism, and hard work...
My schools didn't believe in that stuff!
They thought those things might hurt our self-esteem!
I was part of the generation that got awards for showing up... For walking... for eating lunch... So, last time I got fired, I went back and talked to my old High-School principal. Now I feel better. She gave me this really cool "Getting Fired" award, and told me I was special.


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