You're kidding, right?
I ran across this snippet while frolicking through the news pages and couldn't believe what I was reading. It's not bad enough the took the latest Star Wars and tried to wrap it up in a liberal bow. No. They have to see what THEY CAN SEE in ANYTHING that might get whatever useless message they have across to everyone else. Read on, and you'd better be as disgusted as I was...or you're one of 'em!
Actor Tom Cruise might not have known it, but in his new movie "War of the Worlds" he's playing someone that the film's screenwriter thinks represents the Iraqi insurgents. Screenwriter David Koepp, quoted by the Canadian magazine Rue Morgue, said, "…the Martians [in the movie] ... represent American military forces invading the Iraqis, and the futility of the occupation of a faraway land is again the subtext." And, in an interview with USA Weekend, Koepp said, "You can read our movie several ways. It could be 9/11 paranoia. Or it could be about how U.S. military interventionism abroad is doomed by insurgency, just the way an alien invasion might be."
These nitwits think they can understand the horror of war (lest we forget, this IS a war!) and have someone else package it up for them to display. How about this view then liberal turds?
What if the martians represent the enemy that already exists among us, feeding off the hard working Americans who are just trying to take care of their own families? Who's that you say? Well, they were dug in deep and only arrived clandestinly with a great sh1t storm as the distraction to their invasion and the impending doom.
You figure it out @ssholes!
On another serious and more sad a note; James Doohan (Scotty from Star Trek) passed away today. We'll miss you Scotty.
Actor Tom Cruise might not have known it, but in his new movie "War of the Worlds" he's playing someone that the film's screenwriter thinks represents the Iraqi insurgents. Screenwriter David Koepp, quoted by the Canadian magazine Rue Morgue, said, "…the Martians [in the movie] ... represent American military forces invading the Iraqis, and the futility of the occupation of a faraway land is again the subtext." And, in an interview with USA Weekend, Koepp said, "You can read our movie several ways. It could be 9/11 paranoia. Or it could be about how U.S. military interventionism abroad is doomed by insurgency, just the way an alien invasion might be."
These nitwits think they can understand the horror of war (lest we forget, this IS a war!) and have someone else package it up for them to display. How about this view then liberal turds?
What if the martians represent the enemy that already exists among us, feeding off the hard working Americans who are just trying to take care of their own families? Who's that you say? Well, they were dug in deep and only arrived clandestinly with a great sh1t storm as the distraction to their invasion and the impending doom.
You figure it out @ssholes!
On another serious and more sad a note; James Doohan (Scotty from Star Trek) passed away today. We'll miss you Scotty.
Is this a turdbrained conservative blog? I will leave you with some knowledge sonny boy, and listen closely:
You little turds who moan about those who criticize stupid decisions made by some retard president who actually deserves being called every name in the book, and you say you know all about war?
I hope you can last even 5 hours in the neighborhoods of Dora or even Al-Taji, because even armed with a combat load, an M-16 and an M-249, you won't stand a fucking chance against an IED, an anti-Tank mine, an ambush and even a fucking RPG.
Even the expert on infantry maneuvers will tell you the kind of dillema you can be in thanks to a fuck-up of a commander who follows his orders from a turd-head president.
You Neo-Nazi Neocons don't know shit about what it is to be a liberal/democratic revolutionaire, because you can't comprehend how fucked up situations have become all over the U.S.
It's Neo Nazi conservatives like ya'll that will cause the inevitable: The fall of this great nation founded on the concepts of freedom by immigrants, and destroyed by Xenophobic enslavers.
I am sure you republicans are the descendants of the slave owners from Kentucky, and true Xenophobes
Anonymous, at 1:29 AM
wow, I was running across some old comments and somehow had passed this by last time. I've GOT to reply now though;
TO YOU; you mighty, mighty retard. how could you possibly still be breathing without having someone pummel your black little heart out with a rusty spoon? amazing that you haven't moved to canada yet in fear of us taking over the country? ROFL! if you'd bothered to read a little MORE of my blog you'd have realized that I WAS there and I KNOW war and that assholes that the ones sited in the article (oh, and you) are the ones who don't know what's going on. we could get in to a battle of wits here, but you're clearly unarmed :)
GibsonAV, at 10:06 PM
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