Gibson's Grotto

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Hacktivism :) more power than originally thought.

Hey fellow speed bumps. Check this little snippet out. Apparently, hackers have been empowered more than they originally thought. At least, that's what I got out of this. Unless this guy is just trying to justify his job :) Found originally on SLASHDOT.ORG
An anonymous reader writes; "SecurityFocus published an interview with Marcus Ranum, the inventor of the proxy firewall. It's an interesting reading, and the end is even better: Truly, the only people who deserve a complete helping of blame are the hackers. Let's not forget that they're the ones doing this to us. They're the ones who are annoying an entire planet. They're the ones who are costing us billions of dollars a year to secure our systems against them. They're the ones who place their desire for fun ahead of everyone on earth's desire for peace and the right to privacy."
Wow! I didn't know hackers were THAT powerful. I thought that only happened in the satarized and chartoon like world of Hollywood. Pretty kewl. We should have t-shirts or something :)


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