Gibson's Grotto

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


This is sort of odd. EITHER....(A)No one posts comments to my useless ramblings, or (B) no one CAN post to my rants. Not sure. Either way, I seem a bit solitary in all this. Haven't had decent enough content to warrant visits I guess. I suppose I could put some sort of counter on the blog to see if anyone is really doing anything over it. We'll see.
So what's in the news: Medical Mary J! woohoo! I'm sure all the 420 poser-drones are trying to remember how to string words together so they can complain uselessly about how they're being pursecuted...oh, and that the new twinkies aren't as good. Personally, it's your body, do what you want (and not just in this case!) but when it comes to Med. marijuana, I'd say let's regulate it and legalize it for medial use...AFTER we've come up with a way to do some sort of "breathalizer" type test to see if you've impared yourself and consequently, violated it's legal use...hmm, just like alchohol. Then we'll be left with people screaming "you're not the boss of me" (oh, and white castles are better with cheese and mayo).
The funny part is, legalize it or don't: it has never and WILL never stop people from doing what they want to do. There will be the occasional bust for photo ops, but in the background, people who can't get it legally will get it otherwise...just like everything else. Or grow it themselves. They're too busy hunting down meth labs to watch a pot head farm for use and NOT distribution (that one will get you railroaded. did you know you get less time for shooting someone than for growing weed, especially for distribution? weird. Am I a stoner? no. But I was a cop for a bit, so that's how I know)
Well, if someone figures out how to make something else that will make you feel good, they'll ban it or regulate it. So find what you can, do it as often as you like and enjoy it...before they ban it.



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