Gibson's Grotto

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Episode Three madness...

...well, everyone else is talking about it, so I might as well do it too. Tonight, midnight, marks the release of Star Wars Ep. III: Revenge of the Sith. I can sum up my feelings about this movie in a simple sentence:
I hope it doesn't suck.
I have no allegiance to the new Star Wars franchise. It's let me down twice now. First with Jar Jar, then with the teen age Anakin...I still can't get over how bad his acting was. I know it's a sci fi, but it was SO bad it distracted you from the entire scene. How many kids read for that part and THIS is the one they chose? Lucas letting his daughter choose cast members now?
Anyway, I loved the ORIGINAL three Star Wars movies (no, I won't call them 4, 5 and 6!) because for all their innovative special effects and wonderful costuming...IT STILL HAD A STORY! These past two disasters looked like a special effects budget gone horribly wrong. First, the SFX guys had a whack at making it, then the marketing slugs added whatever they could reprint or make in to a toy....THEN the story was added for color.
Look, this whole story line is old history to die hard Star Wars fans. We all know what happens, and how it ends. So why make a twinkie of a movie with more effects than story and expect the fans to ALL love it without question?
It's funny, the Pre and Post Star Wars fanatics are almost as bad and the pro and anti choice people when it comes to abortion. I've actually watched yelling matches break out when someone has the balls to say "Episode one and two sucked!". They're ready to draw blood, these new starbux sucking, Lucas neophites...Just goes to show you that they have no appreciation for the classics.
There are good things about the first two, but they're easily out weighed by all the bad, pointless and just plain stupid.
Well, I'll wait a month or more to go see this one just like I did the first two and see for myself if this one can redeem the new franchise.
Oh, and kids...spoilers don't mean shit when you know how it fucktards crack me up. "Don't spoil it for us!"...what are ya, new? Are you the only person on the planet who DOESN'T know what happens in this episode?



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