Day without Immigrants...ya right
Looks like the hollywoody types are getting behind the whole "Day without Immigrants" scheduled on 1 May. On this day (in theory) all the "workers" of the country are going to take the day off...and then expect to return on Tuesday to their jobs.
Personally speaking, and I am a manager of a business, if I had to endure that particular protest...I'd fire the person as a "no call/no show" and be done with it. They have no recourse and the only protection they'd receive is from the liberal and PC crowd...of which I'm NOT a part.
The rest of us "NATIVE" Americans can't take such a stand. WE have to protest on our own dime...why can't they? They want to benefit from our laws but not be subject to them. GO HOME. Now!
Now, that being said and as you've read before, I'm of Spanish don't even try to claim bigotry. Now, let's say THIS and make it completely clear; I'm most certainly BIASED against CRIMINALS who are HERE ILLEGALLY and benefitting from the liberal jelly fish who always seem to land themselves in charge.
"Calling us criminals is offensive..." some of the Mexifornians might say. Guess what. I've said it before and I'll say it again (as so many others have): if you came here LEGALLY, this doesn't apply to you. If you came here ILLEGALLY (that is, you didn't cross our national border through proper channels and apply and RECEIVE citizenship or at least a WORK VISA) then you are indeed a criminal.
So, fellow English speakers and "Native"'s a little counter protest of our own: No Spanish on 1 May. None. Nothing even remotely Hispanic. No Taco bell, no Nachos and don't buy or do business with ANYONE who can't speak the language CLEARLY. This little street works BOTH ways...let's prove it.
In another sort of related piece of B.S. the national anthem...OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM...will be performed in Spanish to further the "you will love and accept us or else" plan. So let's follow the example that the last group who tried this got (the homosexual political agenda): beat em all.. with the biggest stick ya got.
Personally speaking, and I am a manager of a business, if I had to endure that particular protest...I'd fire the person as a "no call/no show" and be done with it. They have no recourse and the only protection they'd receive is from the liberal and PC crowd...of which I'm NOT a part.
The rest of us "NATIVE" Americans can't take such a stand. WE have to protest on our own dime...why can't they? They want to benefit from our laws but not be subject to them. GO HOME. Now!
Now, that being said and as you've read before, I'm of Spanish don't even try to claim bigotry. Now, let's say THIS and make it completely clear; I'm most certainly BIASED against CRIMINALS who are HERE ILLEGALLY and benefitting from the liberal jelly fish who always seem to land themselves in charge.
"Calling us criminals is offensive..." some of the Mexifornians might say. Guess what. I've said it before and I'll say it again (as so many others have): if you came here LEGALLY, this doesn't apply to you. If you came here ILLEGALLY (that is, you didn't cross our national border through proper channels and apply and RECEIVE citizenship or at least a WORK VISA) then you are indeed a criminal.
So, fellow English speakers and "Native"'s a little counter protest of our own: No Spanish on 1 May. None. Nothing even remotely Hispanic. No Taco bell, no Nachos and don't buy or do business with ANYONE who can't speak the language CLEARLY. This little street works BOTH ways...let's prove it.
In another sort of related piece of B.S. the national anthem...OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM...will be performed in Spanish to further the "you will love and accept us or else" plan. So let's follow the example that the last group who tried this got (the homosexual political agenda): beat em all.. with the biggest stick ya got.
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