Jebus bones and cowards
Well well. Looks like James Cameron is claiming to have found the burial site and bones of good 'ol jebus boy himself. Oh, and not just HIS but his WIFE'S and his SON'S bones as well.
Now, according to myth, the 'ol brain hunter shouldn't be occupying this particular mortal address since he is said to have "risen" and since departed. Hmm. Curious.
Now it's long been speculated that the body of the man they called the savior may have been removed to further perpetuate the greatest PR campaign in history. That being said the usual pile of piosness is out complaining that the story can't possibly be true (again, according to myth). There are some that have flat out admitted that they may screen the James Cameron special simply " refute it". Wow. Wouldn't have expected any less from THAT group.
So, let's summize: it's ok for the zombie worshipers to believe that this lucky fellow managed to jumpstart himself and head for greener pastures, but they have a PROBLEM with believing that the people of the time (already caught up in the "I used to hang out with the guy" jolt) may have physically removed the body to help the story line take it's unatural course.
Uh, ya. CSI Jeru-sell 'em here we come.
Anyway, they'll usually counter something like this by saying "it's all about faith". That being said, I'll put my "faith" in people being people and riding on the coat tails of a preacher any day of the week over hocus pocus.
So ABC (at this point standing for A BIG CON) is touting how their brave little reporter Bob Woodruff showed such "...courage" with his recent "...ordeal".
Excuse me while I throw up.
Being a Gulf War Vet it makes me sick to see a REPORTER getting so much "love" from HIS OWN STATION for having been shot at, captured...AND RETURNED to us...oh thank the gods he's with us again.
After having had to babysit and dodge some of these morons, I can't possibly imagine what a pain in the @ss it must be NOW with one "reporter" for every 20 or 30 SOLDIERS. This @sshole is even wearing the garb of the soldier his own station is out to hang every chance they get news wise! If he was going to get shot, it should have been by a few good Marines!
Now, according to myth, the 'ol brain hunter shouldn't be occupying this particular mortal address since he is said to have "risen" and since departed. Hmm. Curious.
Now it's long been speculated that the body of the man they called the savior may have been removed to further perpetuate the greatest PR campaign in history. That being said the usual pile of piosness is out complaining that the story can't possibly be true (again, according to myth). There are some that have flat out admitted that they may screen the James Cameron special simply " refute it". Wow. Wouldn't have expected any less from THAT group.
So, let's summize: it's ok for the zombie worshipers to believe that this lucky fellow managed to jumpstart himself and head for greener pastures, but they have a PROBLEM with believing that the people of the time (already caught up in the "I used to hang out with the guy" jolt) may have physically removed the body to help the story line take it's unatural course.
Uh, ya. CSI Jeru-sell 'em here we come.
Anyway, they'll usually counter something like this by saying "it's all about faith". That being said, I'll put my "faith" in people being people and riding on the coat tails of a preacher any day of the week over hocus pocus.
So ABC (at this point standing for A BIG CON) is touting how their brave little reporter Bob Woodruff showed such "...courage" with his recent "...ordeal".
Excuse me while I throw up.
Being a Gulf War Vet it makes me sick to see a REPORTER getting so much "love" from HIS OWN STATION for having been shot at, captured...AND RETURNED to us...oh thank the gods he's with us again.
After having had to babysit and dodge some of these morons, I can't possibly imagine what a pain in the @ss it must be NOW with one "reporter" for every 20 or 30 SOLDIERS. This @sshole is even wearing the garb of the soldier his own station is out to hang every chance they get news wise! If he was going to get shot, it should have been by a few good Marines!
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