Gibson's Grotto

Monday, January 15, 2007

Mexico...the sequel

Boys and girls in interweb land, I must tell you that I had some question where the hell I was living a bit ago.

It started at the local YMCA where I work out and swim. You know the YMCA, pillar of American tradition, tenant of modern America? Well, while I was walking around the track during my after workout cooldown I happened to have glanced down through the glass and peer in to one of the open activity rooms. What I saw there didn't make sense to me. Some people dancing about, mostly in circles, holding imaginary skirts (the girls anyway) while the guys pranced with hands behind their backs (like they were wearing handcuffs perhaps?). On my second lap I noticed one of the "dancers" was draped in a mexican flag.

WTF? (I said to myself) Did I just see mexicans learning to dance...mexican?
I resolved myself to finish my remaining two laps, change and ask someone at the front counter.

"Since it's the community room, someone just reserved it to teach mexican dance" the little fellow says to me over the counter (all the while wearing a confused look on his face, like I was wrong for inquiring)

I said the first thing that came to mind and the only thing that seemed appropriate at the time to react with (and I said it LOUDLY)

"Shouldn't they be teaching ENGLISH instead? Will dancing help them get more welfare or something??"

The little human simply giggled, not knowing if I was serious. The fact that I didn't join in may have clued him in to it, just before I walked off in disgust.

Then, the next day I run across a story about an AMERICAN pizza chain (Pizza PatrĂ³n to be exact) that has been receiving threats and angry messages ever since they started advertising that they will ACCEPT PESOS AS PAYMENT. The threats sound justified to me (I made sure to leave them a message conveying just that on their guest board).

Now remind me kids...we ARE in the USA right? Did I miss a memo or something? Did we just decide that having to learn the language of the country you decide to migrate, move (or break in to) wasn't neccessary any more? How can any LEGAL immigrant integrate properly if they don't even NEED to learn the language (much less change currency?)

It was a creepy moment and the creeps just keep on comin...

The best part about it all was that while I was trying to find Pizza Patron's web site to leave them a piece of my mind, I ran across the image above AND had to share it. I also saw a cool tshirt: "Undocumented Worker; so if I break in to your house, does that make me an unplanned houseguest?" Genius.

Print it out, put it on your cars and homes...see if you can offend someone in to some genuine dialog about it all. At best, piss off a libtard or two.



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