Gibson's Grotto

Friday, December 22, 2006


I saw on the news yesterday where some Marines will be charged with murder...DURING WARTIME, AFTER THEY SUSTAINED AN IED ATTACK BY LOCALS AND RETURNED FIRE!
That's like charging racers with speeding during the Indy 500.
For all you people in your warm homes and offices this holiday season, think of this: THIS is the reason we're not winning over there or anywhere else. It's because we're busy trying to be as PC as possible while our guys and girls are getting killed. Let's leave all the politics aside concerning our current combat theater. Let's leave the opinions about people in charge and policy aside. Let's just use some common sense here.
Some Marines on a patrol get hit. Lose one of their own. React with action to the locals...let me rephrase that...TO THE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS OR AT MINIMUM HARBORED THOSE WHO DID...and cleaned house.
Let's see some of the bleeding hearts remain calm and objective during a firefight and perhaps then they'll understand your mindset when your life is on the line.
Besides, anyone who's been there knows what I do...the only difference between the enemy and the locals is which one you're shooting at NOW and which one you'll shoot at LATER.



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