Gibson's Grotto

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tired of Global Warming scare tactics...

Am I the only person on the planet who's tired of the whole Global "warming" bull$hit out there? This is funnier than the whole debate over the burial of Jeebus. Same idea though; grasp on to an IDEA that can be PROVEN AS BULL$HIT but scream enough about it so it almost seems like you care. Amazing. It's even more annoying that certain political parties seem to be grabbing on to it to cover the fact that they have NOTHING to offer (concerning this or any other issue, real or imagined...they're too busy simply complaining)

I'm just tired of the BS. I've noticed for years that the problem seems to be pride: the seasons are changing, sure. But we're just pissed because when we were kids, Summer started "later" than it seems to now (oh, and you were younger and stupider then too). We're just annoyed that all those dollars we wasted on Hallmark calendars that say "summer starts here. winter ends here" are no longer right. So the only way around this is to say "we're all doomed" rather than admitting "oh look, mother nature doesn't always listen to us". know my answer kids...

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