Gibson's Grotto

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

back to "normal"?

So, the holidays are over, the roads are congested in the mornings, most of the elite are back in school. Ergo: things are returning to their "normal" state of being...whatever THAT is.
The tsunami is still making headlines. I'm waiting for someone to ban waves or something. These things have happened in that part of the world for centuries and NOW they're a problem. Fascinating creatures that we are, we think that in our arrogance we can do something about it. Yup, we can: Move farther away from the water. What's that you say? Humans have always congregated near water? Yup. And humans have always had to deal with floods and tidal waves and other nightmares? Yup. But in the instant news world we live in today, it was a fleeting thought to think that people would simply say "wow, that was horrible...let's help" and call it even. Now we've got people placing blame on everything from secret weather control satellites to global warming (another farce). Amazing.
So in the end, things are back to "normal".



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