Gibson's Grotto

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Meanwhile, back at the batcave...

...well, today was the Presidential innaguration. Ah, what fun. Good to see the C&C back in the box. Naturally, the nut jobs are hard about protesting (about the issue de jour) and will be an ushappy as ever today. Ah, glory. I love to watch them wriggle and squirm about. They talk about unification and uniting the country while at the same time protesting and whinning about anything every chance they get. It would be sad if it wasn't so funny ;)
In the meantime, it's an unusually beautiful day here. Unseasonably warm and cozy. Man, I can't wait until summer :D I despise winter, unless I'm hunting. The closer to 80 (or above) it gets the happier this little camper is.
Still haven't heard back much about my comment field not working. No change. Grrrr....I'd like to get some feed back to at least know someone's reading this stuff besides me. I think I've tried just about everything, but so Dang it!
Oh well, life treads on...ttyl.



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