Gibson's Grotto

Friday, April 13, 2007

Imus sucked, but this is rediculous...

So Imus was let go for calling some people with nappy hair, "nappy headed" the "ho" part apparently is reserved for rap artists who have taken the liberty of breaking females in to two catagories anyway; ho's and bi-atches.
Guess what's good for the crow isn't good for the goose huh? (yeah, that was a color with it)
Amazing boys and girls. These idiots have let themselves fall victim to their own desire to offend NO ONE...and as a result, we lost a mediacore has-been who makes Dick Clark sound like Darth Vader in verbal skills.
Meanwhile, THIS A$$HOLE can say something like this and NO ONE reports it!? Why is that? Oh, and let's not even get in to Al Sharptonuge and HIS racist ass. The only reason this man and others like him are still alive is they'd be more of a pain in the ass as martyrs.
Pathetic, all of you...Yes Imus SUCKED but this was no cause to terminate him. For what? To appease some self involved pile of black people who can go around being racist themselves while at the same time accusing others of being racist? YOU'RE ALL a bunch of SOCIAL PARASITES...and should be put down as such.



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