Gibson's Grotto

Monday, February 14, 2005

halmark holiday... hear that term thrown around a lot today; Valentine's Day. I think it's because many people wait for today to do things they should do for their loved ones every chance they should. Don't wait for some lame holiday when they expect it to do what would be nice to do simply because it's a Tuesday or something. The hardest lessoned learned is the one that teaches us "we don't know what we have until we loose it". Remember that when you have a choice to get a hot dog from a vendor, or some flowers for someone...simply to say "I was thinking of you first again".
Well, play nice kids. Many a dinner and flowers abound this day, and many a love occupy the night tonight.


Friday, February 11, 2005


...ok, so I'm getting lazy and haven't made an entry in the last two weeks...sue me.
I've been busy-still job hunting. I've had some great interviews and some good leads, but still nothing. I'm wondering if something is "hindering" my progress. I must investigate further.

