An honorable thing...
Kids, I joined the Patriot Guard Riders a bit ago and had my first "mission" on 21 June for a fallen soldier. Say what you will, but there's complaining about things and there's DOING something about it.
In case you don't know, the PGR are the riders (bikes and "cages" alike) who show up to support the families of fallen soldiers who are being HARASSED by the Kansas church nut jobs who protest at the funerals. These vets, civilians, etc show up and act like patriotic shields for the families who have ENOUGH to concern themselves with. We don't pound on the U.G.'s (though it would be fun) and lately, they've been invited (they only go where they're invited by family or by the DoD) to other patriotic events (send offs, home comings, parades, etc).
I would VERY much suggest that you check their site out and at least understand their cause and if you see a member, say hi :)