...ask yourselves this noble web slingers; when did it become wrong to
hate? Politicians and special interest groups (oh, and don't forget the souless lawyers) use the word in all sorts of legistlation. "
Hate Crimes" are some of the most feared next to drug related ones (ALL crimes are
hate related you drones!
Hate against women, against the "system", against humanity, etc). "
Hate" related web sites are banned by not only the providers, but the people who hunt them down and SHUT them down...because they "
hate" the
hate sites ironically. You can't even say you hate something in public without some closet tree hugger springing from the closet infering that
hate is "kind of a strong word isn't it?"
YES! That's why some of us still choose to use it damn it!
When did the politically correct pole smokers decide that only things that can be said about anything is stuff that won't convey anything negative? Oh wait, I know when...when
YOU all decided that you were going to allow political correctness to run your lives and dictate your feelings!
NOW it gets even better. Some of our middle eastern overly sensitive types have their collective panties and turbins in a bunch because a cartoon was run...ya, I said a cartoon...that depicted more of these "peace lovers" in a negative fashion. Ironically, today they're living up to EVERY stereotype mentioned by everyone in every cartoon or clip that's ever made fun of them.
Am I the only one who remembers that we're at
WAR and that during WAR time you
HATE your enemies?! Even better; our ENEMIES can chop of the head of their captured (and Geoneva Convention protected) enemies, they can call to other cock roaches like them throughout the world to join them in their battles abroad...so long as we don't
offend them.
Who the F*CK is fighting this war? Us or the media?
But I figured it all out kids...I know how we can win this war. It's quite simple and it's been proven that it'll obviously work by OUR ENEMIES.
We put a giant speaker on a helo and fly over the entire region (after pulling our guys ALL out first) and announce that we're going to begin to open fire on anything over a meter tall housing muslim "life" in it regardless of age, afilliation or gender with pig blood laden bullets that will be carried and fired by bible thumping klan members. THEN, we further announce that everyone else in the world will be issued an "
Alah takes it in the ass" t-shirt and drop a few extra ones on all the mosques (sp?) of the world...right before closing them down and turning them in to strip joints. Finally, we drop a few million porn pics covered in USARMY issue man juice on every "school" in the area with a written invitation to feel free to participate in anything they see in the pictures with their immediate family members or livestock, whichever CUMS first!
They'll all spontaneously combust and explode purely from their own level of offense. POOF! One big sweaty, curry smelling puff of dark smoke later...the rest of us will be safe.
Just to make sure we've got it all covered, we use some rockets to launch the ACLU headquarters building in to space above them and (after low yield nuclear detonation) make sure it forms a giant cross and jewish star over the land. What ever survivors are left will have to remain in the caves like the roaches they are lest they be offended and spark right up.
That pretty much covers it :)
see. all better now.
I know I'm inviting all kinds of
hate mail with this, but remember this kids; I embrace my
hate. I'm ALLOWED to feel it and express it (in this, a civil and public forum). YOU (if you're bothered by any of this) do NOT have the RIGHT to NOT be offended. Nor do you possess the afinity to tell me that I can't feel what I feel just because it bothers YOU. I WILL and DO
HATE my ENEMIES. I WILL and DO express that sentiment when ever I damn well please. No cartoon or parody in the world can express it as well as I'd like, but I'll take what I can get.