Gibson's Grotto

Friday, April 29, 2005

Aaaaand....they're off!

Well, it didn't take long. When THIS story first aired about a little bitch of a student loosing her mind in class (all on tape of course) and thinking she could get away with it, I noticed that the whole race thing was going to get played out to the hilt.
I was right.
I also was aware that they were going to steer right around the girl (HER mother) and the poor Vice Principle who was punched...and go after the cops. For no reason other than "they're white, she's not". By default these days, that gives the CRIMINAL (yes, I said criminal) a free ride.
SO...from now on, let's make all domestic disturbance calls require that a black police officer be present. Right now there's a rule that if a woman has to be frisked, a female officer must be present, so let's narrow this down.
"...From now on, all officers everywhere must be accompanied by a BLACK, FEMALE police officer in uniform who speaks Spanish (just in case)..."
Then maybe these race card playing cock munchers will stop stupid character attacks on innocent officers trying to do their jobs. I'm sure when someone breaks in to their Beemer, they're quick to call.


Thursday, April 28, 2005

Damn it...

Looks like my original home page site went down.
NO! I wasn't hacked by some script kiddie who found himself "offended" by something I said...

The ISP (a local one) took the server down my stuff was hosted on. I managed to download all the pages we had (my modem's still smoking...cable or not) and upload them to a new home
HERE'S the new home...same site, new location.
I also have a new "buddie" online. "Friends of Foamy" asked me to crosslink with them on my 3D Foamy project. Kewl huh? Great site. Lots 'o stuff for the masses.


Exploding Toads...neat!

This news story browsing is getting entertaining now :)
Ran across THIS story about exploding toads on FOX. The story itself is interesting, but now there's a theory about why. As theories go, it's not bad, but this is what got me giggling today...
"...Other theories have been that horses on a nearby track infected them with a virus, or even that the toads are taking the selfless way out — sacrificing themselves by suicide to save others from overpopulation."
"...Sacrificing themselves..."???
What tree hugging, pot smoking, Greenpeace joining, whale saving, vegan loving RETARD came up with THAT idea?!? I about lost it when I read that part. I mean, come on! Are you shitting me? Bad enough people protest using frogs and toads to act as natural barometers to see how the environment's doing (unless it'll save their collective asses) but now they're aspiring to attribute honor to toads. Get real.
Then there's the story of 'International Respect for Chickens Day'
No, I'm not kidding. THIS web site is actually real, though the genetic lineage of the people who created it might not be.
On 18 March (first day of classes by the way) I intend to tie an M-80 to a frog and watch it pop while I down as much of a bucket of chicken as I can, all the time savoring the extra flavor that comes from the torture they put the chicken through for my culinary entertainment.
I love being an American :)
Now if we can just line up some anti smokers and gun them down with rubber bands, I can write it off as vacation :D


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Texas stinks...

I ran across this story and just HAD to share it. I remember driving through Tex-ass while on the way to New Orleans. My loving daughter was the first to notice the distinctive "scent" of the area...cow dropping. The whole state WREAKS of it! Now I know what you're thinking "Of course it smells that way stupid! It's a cattle state!" But DAMN! I mean come on...that's gotta cause brain damage or something!
Which brings me to this story in the A.P. Knowing what you do now (if you've never had the displeasure of being in Tex-ass) you'll find this story equally funny I hope.
(Oh, and the reason I call it Tex-ass is because almost all of the vehicles driving around town with plates from there show a wanton disregard of others on the road and an almost perverse desire to do something stupid on the road, like no one else is there! Don't like it? Tough shit! Get your own blog!)
Houston Bans Offensive Odor in Libraries

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:23 PM EDT
The Associated Press

Those who want to browse books at Houston's public libraries should get enough sleep, eat and bathe before they begin to peruse the shelves.

On Wednesday, Houston's city council passed a series of library regulations that some say are an attempt to discourage homeless people from visiting the public buildings.

Library officials said people have been using their facilities as temporary shelters, restaurants and changing stations. The new ordinance prohibits sleeping on tables, eating, using restrooms for bathing and "offensive bodily hygiene that constitutes a nuisance to others."

Two city council members voted against the ordinance, saying it was a direct attack on the homeless.

"I understand what they're trying to do, but when you start targeting a community like the homeless, I think that's poor policy," council member Ada Edwards said.

Houston Mayor Bill White said there have been numerous complaints from the public about abuse of the city's library facilities.


Monday, April 25, 2005

Ghetto fights? That happens all the time...somewhere

I just read a story on Fox News about a company called Fall Thru Entertainment that's putting out video clips of brawls, fights and all around a$$ kicking on DVD for all of us to enjoy.
I'm not surprised by this at all. That people would be willing to buy and watch it is clear by the sales and profits shown by the Girls Gone Wild series. This stuff falls in to the same catagory.
What's funny is how people are talking about it. Some are calling it "racist" to even produce it. "Racist" is one of those terms you throw around when you have nothing else to base your argument on, as far as I'm concerened. So it's "racist" to make these tapes? Then how "racist" would it be if everyone involved in it...during the fight, making the tapes and marketing them...was black too. Would it be racist then? Oh wait, there's a name for that already...B.E.T.
Anyway, when you sell sex, violence isn't too far behind. Hell, sometimes it goes hand in hand. (Hmm, speaking of which; if all the girls in the GGW videos are white, is that racist? Man, it's hard to think like an idiot...I'll just stop)
So they asked a representative of the company who makes them if they'd sell a snuff film. To me, that's like asking people who allow same sex marriages if they'd allow beastiality. They have nothing to do with each other, the protagonist is just looking for the extreme to use in his argument.
What it all boils down to boys and girls is this: if you don't like it, don't buy it. Making a big deal about it just acts as free advertising and helps build sales. NOT talking about it will help it sniffle off in to oblivion...
Just relax, pull your thumbs out of your asses and have a coke



Tuesday, April 19, 2005

done...for now

Well, I'm all registered for the summer semester. I'll only have to take two classes and they're both online so that's good. The rest I can get CPL for. Work is going ok. The amount of stress and tension that I DON'T have to contend with this time around is measured in smiles I give away on the way home. I love it.
I've been looking in to the Suzuki Bergman 650. I ran across one a few days ago and fell in love. Not quite a scooter, but less than a full blown motorcycle, it's worth every penny. Check out more on it here.
Well, that's all for now. OH, I almost forgot. There's a new pope now, so we've completed our news "circle" and we're now back to reporting about the "minute men" doing what EVERYONE should be doing and listening to the libs whine about it OR listening to more sickening testimony about Michael Jackson...I think I'll pass on the latter.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Some people have nothing better to do...

...Some coward decided to actually make a comment on my last post and didn't even have the mental fortitude to address the issue (or identify themselves for that matter!). Nope, they had to pick on spelling...SPELLING of all things! It's pathetic that this little observation is all they had to offer.
Even better, I had some pictures on my site that I NOTED CLEARLY were NOT mine (if people took the time to actually READ), but some small people who have to appear big online and flex their "cyber muscles" had to play "property police". I never claimed credit for it. In fact, I even said they were "...examples of people with far more skill than I have..." Nope. Not good enough apparently.
These are the same people who would witness a crime...a real crime-Not some PETA retard or some liberal wacko who tries to save whales while letting innocents suffer...and do NOTHING about it, but will then log on and make believe they have something to contribute to society besides their constant whining. The same people who won't pick up a gun to save their own lives or someone else's, but will complain about how corrupt the police are and how they should do their jobs.
These people are social and mental run off. They're a waste and they help solidify my opinions about government sponsored euthanasia. They're the "biggest disappointment since the crucifixion..." (to quote Foamy).

Saturday, April 09, 2005


I think I figured out where political correctness was born from (more like spawned!)

Remember the "Coneheads"? If it was bacon they called it "fried swine flesh". If it was dinner time they called it "mass quantIties". That's it! That's where political correctness came from. I'm a genius :)

OK, maybe not. But it makes just as much sense considering how alien the whole idea is anyway.

I'll go back to my corner now...


back to normal?

well, the news has died down (no pun intended) so I'm sure we'll all get to catch up on the latest Jacko news. They're claiming that he's the "...victim of a racist plot to discredit him..."NO. He's the victim of a plot to lock his weird ass away with the other whackos! Honestly, I've never seen the fascination for this man (and I use that term loosely). One or two good songs, and a smattering of interesting videos.On the lighter side, I'll be updating my web page tonight. I've been doing some more work on my 3D Foamy project and I'm done rigging him up. In the meantime, we'll see what else I can think of to rant about, until then...TTYL!

Thursday, April 07, 2005

ranting of a raving lunatic...

well, the news has died down (no pun intended) so I'm sure we'll all get to catch up on the latest Jacko news. They're claiming that he's the "...victim of a racist plot to discredit him..."
He's the victim of a plot to lock his weird ass away with the other whackos! Honestly, I've never seen the fascination for this man (and I use that term loosly). One or two good songs, and a smattering of interesting videos.
On the lighter side, I'll be updating my web page tonight. I've been doing some more work on my 3D Foamy project and I'm done rigging him up.
In the meantime, we'll see what else I can think of to rant about, until then...TTYL!


latest yammerings of a raving lunatic...

well, the news has died down (no pun intended) so I'm sure we'll all get to catch up on the latest Jacko news. They're claiming that he's the "...victim of a racist plot to discredit him..."
He's the victim of a plot to lock his weird ass away with the other whackos! Honestly, I've never seen the fascination for this man (and I use that term loosly). One or two good songs, and a smattering of interesting videos.
On the lighter side, I'll be updating my web page tonight. I've been doing some more work on my 3D Foamy project and I'm done rigging him up.
In the meantime, we'll see what else I can think of to rant about, until then...TTYL!


Saturday, April 02, 2005

pope of doom... help me out here: the pope's whole mission in life has been to bring more sheep to god, he himself being counted among those sheep. As a catholic (hell, as THE catholic!) it's also his goal to meet god someday, right?
So why is everyone freaking out that this eighty-plus year old gentleman who has been suffering form various medical issues for some time now, is dying? First; is it a surprise to anyone? No. Second, is anyone really worried about his "soul"? No (if you believe in that sort of thing.) And lastly, and the funniest part about the vulture mentality that the media has going right now, just waiting for him to keel over. It's morbid.
I guess it's a slow news they say.
On a lighter note (a much lighter note) I've started working for a company here in town that keeps people like me busy. It should be fun. I'll keep you up to date as it progresses. I'm still working on my 3D Foamy project. I've shown it off on a few forums and emailed the link to a few sites. The response seems to be going well. I've got to create some actions and poses for him and put together a short demo reel. I think it'll go over well.
And finally, I've gotten my basic site up and all I have to do now is fill in the blanks :)