Gibson's Grotto

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Easter Gluttons...

Well well, here we are again. That fanciful time of year when we "celebrate" (?) the time when (according to myth), Jesus- the christ of Nazereth- rose from the grave 3 days after his crucifixtion and saw his shadow and we got two thousand years of guilt! :) ( I LOVE THAT JOKE!) Or, if you follow another school of thought, then Easter is a day when we recognize and observe a "christian" holiday in place of a pagan one. Which ever way you prefer, it usually involves dressing up soley to impress others, and gluttony that we only ever witness on days like Thanksgiving.
How dressing up, eggs and a rabbit coincide with an ancient prophet's execution and alleged resurection is beyond many...but far be it from some to ask. That might be "improper" (or worse...might make you think for yourself)
Either way, have fun. Next year, how about we praise Shrek and eat deep fried twinkies in honor of the letter "P". Same nonsensical reasoning as far as I'm concerned.

On a lighter side, I finally got around to putting a web page together. For better or worse, it's up now. Now let's see who says what.

Have fun kids! Don't forget to stew those pet rabbits up on Monday! :D

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

messing around...

ok, I gotta post THIS here. I've been messing around with my Animation Master again and finally got inspired enough to try it out. Let me know what you think.
Speaking of messing around, seems the "people" don't know when to keep the govt. out of our lives. This whole thing going on with the Terri Schiavo is a clear case of hypocrits at their best. "Don't tell us what to do" they yell, "unless of course we can get our way by asking" they continue.
The woman doesn't have a life to speak of, and they're keeping her around for the same reason we have grave markers and photos...for SENTIMENTAL VALUE! Let the woman rest in piece and maybe we can all do the same.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

decisions, decisions...

...well I've gone from job hunting to job choosing. It seems that two jobs have panned out now, and they both have their plus sides. One is immediate and in line with my last field. The other is more stand alone and instructive...AND working with the city of you can see my dilema. I will weigh the best and worst of each and play it by ear.
In other news...we have reached a pinnacle in our collective culture. The word "Wedgie" has been added to the lastest printing of Webster's Dictionary. This is a bit sad. That word (and many other such "PC", slang and ebonic entries) is a great example of tolerence and acceptance being used replace common decorum. A wedgie is a nickname for a prank. I doubt very much that there's a teenager in any civilized nation that doesn't know what it is. But why engrave it in the English lexicon? If I say "flabat" enough, will it HAVE to be accepted some day? My point is this: teach your children proper English. Teach them to articulate and for the god's sake, teach them proper pronounciation. Then we won't have to worry about other stupid words, phrases and "lazy speak" will make it in to our dictionary.
I'm getting crotchety aren't I? :)

when it rain it pours...sometimes nicely

...well I've gone from job hunting to job choosing. It seems that two jobs have panned out now, and they both have their plus sides. One is immediate and in line with my last field. The other is more stand alone and instructive...AND working with the city of you can see my dilema. I will weigh the best and worst of each and play it by ear.
In other news...we have reached a pinnacle in our collective culture. The word "Wedgie" has been added to the lastest printing of Webster's Dictionary. This is a bit sad. That word (and many other such "PC", slang and ebonic entries) is a great example of tolerence and acceptance being used replace common decorum. A wedgie is a nickname for a prank. I doubt very much that there's a teenager in any civilized nation that doesn't know what it is. But why engrave it in the English lexicon? If I say "flabat" enough, will it HAVE to be accepted some day? My point is this: teach your children proper English. Teach them to articulate and for the god's sake, teach them proper pronounciation. Then we won't have to worry about other stupid words, phrases and "lazy speak" will make it in to our dictionary.
I'm getting crotchety aren't I? :)

when it rain it pours...sometimes nicely

...well I've gone from job hunting to job choosing. It seems that two jobs have panned out now, and they both have their plus sides. One is immediate and in line with my last field. The other is more stand alone and instructive...AND working with the city of you can see my dilema. I will weigh the best and worst of each and play it by ear.
In other news...we have reached a pinnacle in our collective culture. The word "Wedgie" has been added to the lastest printing of Webster's Dictionary. This is a bit sad. That word (and many other such "PC", slang and ebonic entries) is a great example of tolerence and acceptance being used replace common decorum. A wedgie is a nickname for a prank. I doubt very much that there's a teenager in any civilized nation that doesn't know what it is. But why engrave it in the English lexicon? If I say "flabat" enough, will it HAVE to be accepted some day? My point is this: teach your children proper English. Teach them to articulate and for the god's sake, teach them proper pronounciation. Then we won't have to worry about other stupid words, phrases and "lazy speak" will make it in to our dictionary.
I'm getting crotchety aren't I? :)


...well I've gone from job hunting to job choosing. It seems that two jobs have panned out now, and they both have their plus sides. One is immediate and in line with my last field. The other is more stand alone and instructive...AND working with the city of you can see my dilema. I will weigh the best and worst of each and play it by ear.
In other news...we have reached a pinnacle in our collective culture. The word "Wedgie" has been added to the lastest printing of Webster's Dictionary. This is a bit sad. That word (and many other such "PC", slang and ebonic entries) is a great example of tolerence and acceptance being used replace common decorum. A wedgie is a nickname for a prank. I doubt very much that there's a teenager in any civilized nation that doesn't know what it is. But why engrave it in the English lexicon? If I say "flabat" enough, will it HAVE to be accepted some day? My point is this: teach your children proper English. Teach them to articulate and for the god's sake, teach them proper pronounciation. Then we won't have to worry about other stupid words, phrases and "lazy speak" will make it in to our dictionary.
I'm getting crotchety aren't I? :)


...well I've gone from job hunting to job choosing. It seems that two jobs have panned out now, and they both have their plus sides. One is immediate and in line with my last field. The other is more stand alone and instructive...AND working with the city of you can see my dilema. I will weigh the best and worst of each and play it by ear.
In other news...we have reached a pinnacle in our collective culture. The word "Wedgie" has been added to the lastest printing of Webster's Dictionary. This is a bit sad. That word (and many other such "PC", slang and ebonic entries) is a great example of tolerence and acceptance being used replace common decorum. A wedgie is a nickname for a prank. I doubt very much that there's a teenager in any civilized nation that doesn't know what it is. But why engrave it in the English lexicon? If I say "flabat" enough, will it HAVE to be accepted some day? My point is this: teach your children proper English. Teach them to articulate and for the god's sake, teach them proper pronounciation. Then we won't have to worry about other stupid words, phrases and "lazy speak" will make it in to our dictionary.
I'm getting crotchety aren't I? :)

Friday, March 11, 2005

Politicall correctness kills...

...let me explain. Today in Atlanta a man in a court room shot and killed a number of people, including the preceding judge. He was there after a mistrial over a rape and forced sodemy case last week. He was able to get a firearm from one of the deputies in the courtroom and do his nastyness.
So what does that have to do with PC? Well, it's been the opinions of many courts to NOT have the defendant show up in irons because it "portrays the impression of guilt". Once again, it's not a matter of fact, simply that it "implys" such. Becuase he was not in irons, as he should have been, he was able to do what he did.
Now, if he had be processed the way he was supposed to, he would have never had the opportunity to do what he did (and NO, I won't say "allegedly" did because that phrase they sputter on the news is only to cover their own collective asses against a lawsuit. He's guilty, now all he has to do is be caught!).
Next time someone's short and you decide to call them "vertically challenged" (like that will make them taller somehow!) remember today.


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ah, the news... ABC news reports on a story this morning that a club in Austin, TX burned to the ground. Meanwhile, some police officers were texting each other (in their patrol cars) with comments like "burn baby burn" and "I have some extra gasoline if they need it". This particular club had over 100 calls to the police concerning it over the past year with everything from public drunkeness to gunfire. So ABC news reported the "horror" over the officers comments.
Ah, good 'ol "impartial" ABC news. They actually had the nerve to say the club was "partial to African Americans" during the broadcast, immediately playing on the race card. How about playing the frustration card the cops felt for having to tolerate this place for so long? If you see a crack shack or meth lab burn down, you wouldn't hear anyone giving you crap for saying "good! I'm glad it's gone" would you? But no, cops aren't people so they're not allowed to feel these things. My question is WTF were by standers doing that close the damn patrol cars? Eyeballing them for firearms? The retards at ABC news never cease to amaze me.
On a much lighter note, Dan Rather is on his way to pasture. My thought? SO WHAT? It's CBS, which no one watches (on purpose) any more anyway. It's like saying "look, that guy who worked at that run down store that no one shops from just died. What was his name again?". I say it's long past due, and the only good thing about it is that maybe it sent a wake up call to the other "impartial" reporters. Those teleprompter reading, talking heads that think they are better than us because they get to read the news to us. I can get the same thing at the library during "Winnie the Pooh" hour...but at least that information will be checked on first before being read to us. :)


Thursday, March 03, 2005


well it looks like the template for the index page was the key. I picked some lame default one and whammo! instant comment fields. on ALL my entries. Let's see if anyone actually has anything to say now.

hurray for me :)

grumpy foamy...

...I love this little guy. Whomever does it just sums up what I think over and over again. I highly recommend you look over the toon archive area if you need a good life. The rants are my favorite.
If you offend easily or are prone to political correctness, I'd say avoid it (yes, there are "swear words" in it.)
Other than that, I'm still job hunting. Had some great interviews but nothing's panned out yet...
I'm going on three months now. This is the longest I've been out of work for a loooooong time. Something's gotta give.
